Our international co-production ATMOSPHERE by helmer Paulo Caldas had its Brazilian Premiere at the Rio Film Festival late 2023. International release is managed by O2 filmes and there will be news, soon. Watch the festival’s trailer here:
Category Archives: production news
Atmosphäre – Film von Paulo Caldas
Regie: Paulo Caldas
Unsere brasilianisch-deutsche Koproduktion ATMOSPHÄRE wartet auf den Abschluss der Dreharbeiten in Deutschland. Coming soon! Vorab schonmal ein kleiner Teaser, mit dem Paulo Caldas aktuell auf dem Marché du film in Cannes präsent ist. Eine Produktion der Gullane Entertainment, 99 Produccoes und Cinezebra GmbH. Gefördert u.a. von der MFG Baden-Württemberg.

When in Venice
Our Colombian-Italian-German Coproduction is about to be released in 8 Latin American countries simultaneously and will also be provided on a worldwide VoD platform. We are very proud of this film directed by Juan Zapata and supported by CANON. More news are about to come soon..
Read the article by clicking on the Variety logo and watch the trailer below:

NIMUENDAJÚ – animated feature
Our Co-Production with ANAYA from Belo Horizonte, Brazil, is being currently in production. We will keep you updated on new stages of finalization, soon. The feature is made with retroskoping-technique and the raw footage was shot between 2012 and 2018 in indigenous areas in collaboration with Indian tribes all over Brazil. We had windows at Cannes Festival and Annecy Festival and count on the support of these Festivals for the world premiere of this special project.
The film tells the story of Curt “Nimuendajú” Unckel from Jena, Germany. He emigrated to Brazil in the late 19th century as an adventurer and made contact with indigenous culture wich he absorbed. Unckel organized his life around his studies and became the most important ethnologist in Latin America of his time, living with Indians for over 40 years, preserving elements of their culture in collaboration with museums around the globe as well as fighting for the indigenous rights in the fiield of politics and capitalism.
Vou nadar ate voce – trailer
We are proud to announce the start of the film helmed by Klaus Mitteldorf on March 5th in cinemas all over Brazil. It will be released by Elo Company and FOX Distribution in over 20 major cities in the country. A production by Coracao da Selva, Mar Filmes, Norami Filmes and Cinezebra. The film stars Bruna Marquezine, Peter Ketnath, Fernando Alves Pinto and many others. Photography by Alexandre Ermel.

Our beautiful production Ainda temos a imensidao da noite / We still have the deep black night is invited to the most important festival for Latin-American films in the world: the Havanna Filmfestival . Director Gustavo Galvao will be there representing on December 9th!!
Abismo Tropical
Official Trailer. Production by 99 Produccoes, German co-production and contact: Cinezebra GmbH. The documentary by Paulo Caldas premiered at the 43rd Mostra International de Sao Paulo and went straight to XII Jana International do Recife, Pernambuco. We look forward to have the film also in Germany available.
We still have the deep black night
Official Trailer. In cinemas over Brazil from December 5th. Production by Dezenove and 400 Filmes, executive production Berlin: Cinezebra GmbH.
Ainda temos a imensidão da noite
We still have the deep black night. A feature film by Gustavo Galvao.
A production with Sara Silveira´s Dezenove Som e Imagens and Gustavo Galvao´s 400 Filmes in association with Crisol Filmes from Christiane Oliveira. German production helmed by Cinezebra GmbH and Paulo Carvalho´s Autentika Films.

The picture combines music and visualized story in a unique way and had support from musicians like Lee Ronaldo, founder of the north-american rockband Sonic Youth.
Tired of fighting for a place in the sun with her Rockband in wich she sings and plays the trumpet, Karen decides to leave Brasilia. She follows the traces of her ex-partner in the band, Artur, who tries his luck in Berlin. An invitation comes from Martin, a German friend, with whom they form an unpredictable triangle.
The film starts in Brazilian national cinemas on December 5th 2019 with distribution from Pandora Filmes.
Abismo Tropical. A documentary by Paulo Caldas

Abismo Tropical é um filme que retrata a angústia de um artista no dia das eleições presidenciais no Brasil, no ano de 2018. Um testemunho em primeira pessoa, em tempo real, com questionamentos existenciais e estéticos, o diretor / narrador faz reflexões sobre o tempo, dilatando o presente, beirando a queda livre num futuro incerto.
Tropical Abyss is a film that portrays the anguish of an artist on the day of the presidential elections in Brazil in 2018. A first-person testimony, in real time, with existential and aesthetic questions, the director makes reflections about life, expanding the present, bordering his own free fall in the uncertain future.